REO Polymer Grout high degree of hardness and smooth finish that is suitable for high resistance grouting from 1mm to 3mm groove with complete range of Tile and Stone. REO Polymer Grout has a wide range of colour and finishes. FEATURES:- Uniform Colour Resistance to Weathering UV Resistance Hard Dense Grout Joints Interior and Exterior Application Colour : Available…
Reo EX-302 Epoxy Grout is 2 Component stain free grout suitable for Ceramic Tile, Vitrified Tiles, Marble & Stone Specially in stain prone such as Kitchen, Washroom, Dining Room also for External area. Reo EX-302 Epoxy is specially designed for UV resistance, chemical resistance, water resistance. FEATURES:- Stain Free Uniform Colour Strong & Durable Colour : Available in Regular…